Weep not for me though I am gone i
nto that gentle night.
Grieve if you will, but not for long u
pon my soul's sweet flight.
I am at peace, my soul's at rest t
here is no need for tears.
For with your love I was so blessed fo
r all those many years.
There is no pain, I suffer not, t
he fear now all is gone.
Put now these things out of your thoughts, i
n your memory I live on.
Remember not my fight for breath, r
emember not the strife.
Please do not dwell upon my death, b
ut celebrate my life.
![]() Sweet and beautiful Spirit, adopted in January 2020, sadly was diagnosed with Cushing’s disease three months later. Despite our own efforts and her new owner’s for making sure she received the veterinary care and medications she needed, Spirit went to the rainbow bridge to wait for her owner who gave her the trust and love she deserved in a forever home. RIP, Spirit ![]() It was in September of 2017 when I first met Montie during an AZBTR meet and greet. I thought he was so cute and he ran through the pet store and picked out a giant stuffed toy. We rescued and adopted him right after we got back from a cruise in the beginning of October. We knew he had some issues, but all in all he was the most loving and playful old soul. He was so spoiled and really took a liking to my husband. He loved to be on his lap and give kisses when he wanted to clean the bowl or plate after dinner. All he needed was love on his terms and that is what he got. He loved laying in the chairs on our patio in the sun. He also loved being wrapped up in a blanket especially the "Boston Red Sox" blanket. He loved that blanket. He also loved his big stuffy ball toy and would shake it and run after it for hours. He was a picky eater, so of course he loved FreshPet. He also wanted to be sure by the end of the night that everyone in our family had come home. I'm so glad we had the past 20 months with him. His illness came on so suddenly and worsened within two weeks. W
e wished we could of had more time with him
He crossed over the rainbow bridge at 14 years old on June 12, 2019. Our hearts were so broken but so relieved he was no longer in agony. He came to us for a reason and we fulfilled our duties to love him to the end. One day we will meet again "Montel".
Sandra and Mark McQueary
With heavy hearts we wanted to share with you that our Toby good boy, passed on the morning of October 4th, 2018. We rescued Toby from AZBTR in 2015. We were looking for a small semi young Boston. What we found was an 80lb olde English Bulldog and we fell in love. He was a senior rescue , but he still had a bit of pup left in him. Toby loved to splash in puddles, roll in grass and was a talkative goofball, and he bonded with my youngest in the way a boy and his dog do.
![]() I wanted to share w/ you that my beloved Winston passed away recently 6/22. You knew him as Burt the English Bulldog. He started his adoption w/ my close friend Jeff who instead adopted Pugsley while I adopted Winston.
Winston had a hidden heart condition that went unnoticed till the very end. It happened very fast & absolutely nothing that could be done to save him. The last 2 months of his life both Jeff & I shared his life as we both loved this dog so much. Jeff was able to extend Winston's life by 2 months w/ medication & constant care due to my job hrs. I would have been lost w/ out Jeff taking care of Winston & giving us 2 more months together.
Winston was such an awesome dog. He changed so much in his time here. He was the most loving gentle dog& a hilarious character of a dog. He was good w/ all, dogs, cats, kids...you name it he was happy! He lost his food aggression behavior through work & stability in knowing when he was next getting fed, lost his separation anxiety until the end when he became sick. He loved his walks, ear rubs & butt scratches. Loved loved loved his treats & his humans.
I didn't get much time w/ Winston. Barely a year before he was sick & gone...but thank you for giving me such a fabulous dog to love.
Winston's mom
![]() With the heaviest of hearts, we wanted to share that our beloved Mabel crossed to the Rainbow Bridge on January 10th, 2018. Although Mabel wasn't a rescue, she has been part of the AZBTR family from the very beginning, and attended the very first AZBTR picnic...and has been attending throughout her life. She was the boss of all that she surveyed and raised her adopted siblings with an iron paw. Throughout her life she worked tirelessly in ensuring her pack was brought up properly and obeyed all of her rules. She experienced the good times and the sad, watching 4 of her adopted pack pass to the rainbow bridge. He latest project puppy is Billie Lou who she has recently shown the ropes, and we suppose she felt her training was complete. Mabel worked hard and has earned her rest. Her task on this earth is complete and she was called home. Mabel was sweet as honey and tough as nails, but the 2 strokes in 3 days and her failing heart was just too much for her petite little body. We will forever miss her shrill bark that would meet us at the door or her warm licks that would calm us before bedtime. Our hearts are broken beyond repair and we will miss her to no end. Sleep well baby. Gregg G. (Mabels Grampy) |