Animal Success Stories
These Are the Reasons We Work So Hard! When we see a Boston find a wonderful home at one of our adoption events or through our Foster Program, it makes us so happy! To watch the animal's journey from being no one's loved boy or girl to a cherished family member inspires us and keeps us doing this good work. Below are some wonderful success stories we'd like to share with you. If you have adopted an animal from Arizona Boston Terrier Rescue, please send us a picture, let us know how he or she is doing and give us some information about you. We love hearing about Bostons who are living wonderful lives in their forever homes and will post your pictures and stories on these pages. A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
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Bentley Adopted in 2014 - Bentley turns 3 tomorrow (Tues) and he is such a great addition to our pack. He has a wonderful disposition, makes us laugh everyday, and loves playing with his sisters (though sometimes they are not so amenable - he just goes off and chews a bone or brings us a tug). If plan A doesn't work, he goes to plan B - we should all be so flexible:) Being deaf does not stop our little guy from doing anything and he is up to 25 hand signs and counting. We have joined numerous doggie classes and get compliments all the time about his focus in class. Thank you for entrusting us to love and give Bentley a home:) He is truly a happy boy!
It is coming up on a year since we adopted Ziggy in about a month and just wanted to check in with how great he has been. He has truly fit into our family better then we could have ever have hoped. Although he was already always smiling he seems to do so even more now! My wife and I are so happy to give Ziggy the home he deserves and it is evident how happy and comfortable he has become since he has made huge strides in getting over his anxiety in such a short time.
He has become my 1 year old nephews best friend and has always been a great pal to everyone who has ever met him. We have never gotten anything but compliments on Ziggy and most people can't believe he was a rescue.
We just wanted to thank AZBTR again! We both have suggested you to a few friends and if the time comes that we have room for another dog AZBTR would be our first place we would go. You guys do amazing work, we can't say that enough. As Professor Ziggy can attest AZBTR is proven to match dogs with their perfect forever home! Chris and Marissa
Franny Hi azbtrescue! Just wanted to let you all know that yesterday was mine & Franny's 1 year anniversary. She's the best little angel & I feel SO blessed to have her :) wanted to share some pics from yesterday as well!
Sassy ALL ABOUT TULIP TRIGGER JAXON My name is Candy Jaxon and I am proud owner of Sassy, now Tulip Trigger Jaxon. I adopted Tulip June 29th, 2009 and the moment I met her, I fell right in love with her! She is such a joy to everyone that meets her and especially to me and my family. Tulip Trigger enjoys going on rides, sunning in the backyard (she LOVES the outdoors), walks, going on rides with her mama (she loves traveling), going to see her friends at Starbucks and hanging out at her mamas boutique. She is quite the little traveler and loves everyone that she meets and loves to give kisses. When Tulip goes to Starbucks with her mama through the drive thru, the employees love seeing her and always give her a puppy latte, which is whipped cream in a Starbucks cup with a bone on the top, which she loves! Tulip also is a huge fan of being in front of the camera and modeling with her mama. She is quite the little diva and loves attention but at the same time can be a couch potato, as long as her mama is sitting right next to her. She is the best companion I could ask for and is always by my side whether I’m just relaxing at home or working, she is there. Tulip is also extremely intelligent. She can figure out anything and everything and never needed training or any kind of obedience. When I am hanging out with Tulip, I feel like I am hanging out with a person. She is also extremely funny. She likes to be dramatic, a tease and makes silly noises, whether they are coming out of her mouth or the other end (anyone that owns a BT knows what I am talking about). Tulip is also surrounded by a lot of doggie friends and has quite the social life. She is friends with my brother and sister in laws pug Jonas and bug Jedda (which is her bestest friend). She is also buddies with my boyfriends BT Fonzie and bug Scooter. And small world, she is cousins with another BT who was rescued through the same place, Violet who belongs to Andrea and Justin Porter. Tulip loves to be social and play with them and trust me, they can play for hours. I am happy to be the owner of Tulip Trigger Jaxon! I have never met such a compassionate, smart, fun, sweet and silly dog in my life and she is defiantly the BT of my dreams! Thank you for finding me such an amazing dog.
Iris PUPDATE: Say hello to "Iris" now STARLA who was adopted by a wonderful family in the north valley after she was surrendered to AZBTR by her owners. She is the only dog in her home (but shares mom and dad with a human sister named Keira) a nd we can attest to the fact that she is SUPER spoiled. Here is an update from her mom: We moved from Cave Creek and now she has an awesome grassy backyard and gated pool. Can we say SPOILED?! Plus she works for treats everyday, because her mom and dad work from home. She is not a therapy dog. I couldn't win that battle with my husband BUT she is KEIRA's therapy dog!!! She takes a bath with Keira everyday. Well not "in" the bathtub, but she stands up and watches with the sponge...she'd love to jump in. Starla makes Keira smile. Starla is goofy too!! She is totally SPOILED!!! ~ Love, Starla's Mom
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